Youngstown Click - Be Connected
What's the conversation happening in Youngstown? What are the stories behind what we see in our region? When people leave here, do they miss it? How do incoming people see our region or experience it? FIND out on the YOUNGSTOWN CLICK podcast! Get Connected -- Stay Connected!
Youngstown Click - Be Connected
You Were Meant To And You Can Live Happy & Well! - From BODYBUILDER to MR. WELLNESS with BUTCH TEMNICK
From BODYBUILDER to MR. WELLNESS, Butch Temnick shares his love of helping people become the best they can be! He has studied the physiology of the human body, trained to win titles, and has helped even skeptical people regain their health and wellness through understanding health and nutrition!
Listen to this very helpful chat with Butch Temnick, on his journey from bodybuilding to becoming a fitness trainer, his love of helping some get off their medications, even while dealing with the pandemic shutdowns. He offers a unique training course for women via Zoom that is accessible from anywhere in the world and is customized for a woman's body, muscles, and figure. He also has coaching in which he will show anyone how to train on their own in the gym, understanding both their body and the machines that can be intimidating.
#wellness #health #coaching #womenshealth #meds #regainhealth
#Youngstown #MrWellness
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