Youngstown Click - Be Connected
What's the conversation happening in Youngstown? What are the stories behind what we see in our region? When people leave here, do they miss it? How do incoming people see our region or experience it? FIND out on the YOUNGSTOWN CLICK podcast! Get Connected -- Stay Connected!
Youngstown Click - Be Connected
He built the YOUNGSTOWN FLEA from scratch...and he's just getting started GET TO KNOW Derrick McDowell
Derrick McDowell comes by to talk with us about the journey to starting the Youngstown Flea in downtown Youngstown, buying an abandoned empty warehouse to renovate, and all kinds of UNEXPECTED stories along the way!
Get to know your city and region in a new way with inside stories from one of the movers and shakers in the city!
He also shares about the march he helped organize and the subsequent time he met with Vice President Mike Pence.
Listen to the full podcast here or wherever you get your podcasts or watch the video version on YouTube!
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